Creative Director / Art Director

Launching the game that never forgets with a campaign that doesn't either.

Shadow of War is a game that generates unique storylines depending on players’ in-game choices. To introduce this new game mechanic to a mass audience we wanted to give people the chance to try it out for themselves.

We launched with a live-action interactive trailer that tracked your choices. Did you save your ally, or fight your foe? What weapon did you use? Who did you trust?

Then, based on those choices, custom digital ads stalked you across the internet just like the orcs would in-game. Letting you know that in Shadow of War, Nothing Would be Forgotten.

The campaign was featured in Rolling Stone, Shots, The Verge, LBB, IGN, PCGamer, Paste and many others. It was also honored at The One Show and The Webbys for best use of interactive video.